View Analytics in the Alexa Smart Properties Console
The Alexa Smart Properties management console lets you view aggregated property data analytics for your installed devices and property skills. To view the data, open the console and navigate to the Analytics page. This page uses AWS QuickSight to display default data visualizations for the most recent 30 days for which data is available.
The Analytics section of the Alexa Smart Properties management console has the following tabs:
- Dashboard – Contains an overview of devices and dialogs.
- Domain Data – Contains a breakdown of dialogs across common dialog categories.
- Unit Activity – Contains a breakdown of active devices and dialogs for each unit in your organization's hierarchy of units.
- Property Skill Data – Contains aggregated data for the number of dialogs by skill and intent for all hidden property skills enabled on all your Alexa Smart Properties devices.
- Communications – Contains a breakdown of customer engagement with Communications features including voice and touch engagement actions.
- Proactive Campaigns – Contains a breakdown of all the active Proactive Campaigns across your Alexa Smart Properties properties.
- Defects – Contains information about requests that customers are making which Alexa can't handle or Alexa thinks that it didn't answer correctly.
Dashboard tab
Following are the default visualizations in the Dashboard tab:
- Devices - Total and Percent Active – A gauge chart that shows the total number of unique devices associated with rooms under your account, along with the percentage of devices that are active. Active devices are devices with at least one dialog in the selected time period. A dialog is an interaction with multiple turns in which the user asks questions and Alexa responds with an answer. The default time period is 30 days.
- Active Devices per Day – An active device trend chart that shows the number of active devices on a daily basis. To change the time granularity for the data from daily to weekly and vice versa, choose the graphic.
- Top 10 Domains by Number of Dialogs – The top ten dialog categories or domains, ordered by the number of dialogs from device users.
- Top 10 Skills by Number of Dialogs – The top ten skills, ordered by the number of dialogs from device users.
- Dialogs per Day – The dialog distribution for customer-owned skills, ordered by intent.
- Number of Dialogs for Property Skills by Intent – A dialog trend chart that shows the number of dialogs for each day or week in the time period. Choose the graphic to change the time granularity for the data from daily to weekly and vice versa.
A user's role determines which property data they can see. For example, the Organization administrator sees data for all their properties by default. They can also view data for individual properties by choosing the property filter in the analytics visualization and selecting the property they wish to view. The Unit administrator sees data for their properties.
When there isn't enough aggregated data for a particular time period, the console doesn't display analytics for that period. In that case, you can select a longer time period to see aggregated data. For example, if the time period is one day, you might change it to one week.
Domain Data tab
The Domain Data tab contains a breakdown of dialogs across common dialog categories.
Here are definitions of common dialog categories:
- Aggregated – Contains all of the dialogs and active devices from the domains listed below that have less than 10 devices that engaged with that domain over the time period.
- Audio – Dialogs related to listening to music and other audio experiences, such as listening to books, for example "Alexa, play country music."
- Auto – Dialogs related to connected car experiences, for example "Alexa, start my car"
- Communications – Dialogs related to calling, for example "Alexa, call front desk." or "Alexa, drop in"
- Games – Dialogs related to games and trivia experiences, for example "Alexa, start Jeopardy"
- Health – Dialogs related to health information and health/fitness skills, for example "Alexa, what's the cure for sunburn?"
- Home Productivity – Dialogs related to home tasks like setting timers and adding reminders, for example "Alexa, add a reminder to reserve a table for dinner tomorrow." or "Alexa, what's the weather?"
- Kids – Dialogs related to child-directed experiences, for example "Alexa, start Amazon Storytime"
- Kitchen – Dialogs related to kitchen, lifestyle, and food/drink skills, for example "Alexa, how do I butterfly a chicken?"
- Information – Dialogs related to general knowledge, for example "Alexa, help", "Alexa, when are the playoffs?", or "Alexa, where are nearby gas stations?"
- Language Services – Dialogs related to translations, for example "Alexa, how do you say hello in Spanish?"
- News – Dialogs related to current news and events, for example "Alexa, what's up?"
- Other – Dialogs that can't be categorized in any other listed categories or domains, for example, "Alexa, connect my phone via Bluetooth." Or "Alexa, stop."
- Personality – Dialogs related to jokes or chatting with Alexa, for example, "Alexa, tell me a joke."
- Personal Mobility – Dialogs related to transportation and navigation, for example "Alexa, get directions to the airport"
- Shopping – Dialogs related to shopping, for example "Alexa, ask Groceries to add milk to my shopping list"
- Smart Home – Dialogs related to controlling smart devices, for example "Alexa, turn on the room lights."
- Social – Dialogs related to social skills and experiences, for example, "Alexa, tell my age."
- Video – Dialogs related to watching videos to include movies/TV skills, for example "Alexa, play cat videos."
Unit Activity tab
The Unit Activity tab contains a breakdown of active devices and dialogs for each unit in your organization's hierarchy of units. This view lets you determine if a specific unit has engaged with Alexa on a specific day, and if so, how much they have engaged. You can use this data and combine with your own data on that unit to gather insights.
Units in Alexa Smart Properties follow a tree structure where a room (the lowest level of unit) is a child of several parent units. You can associate devices to any level of the organization. This tab displays all units and the activities for devices associated to that unit, down to the maximum depth of the hierarchy. The dashboard displays the maximum depth of the hierarchy in the Level filter at the top, for example, Level 3.
Here are definitions of the columns in the Unit Activity table:
- Date – date on which Alexa devices are being monitored.
- Property Name (Level 1) – property name where Alexa devices are installed.
- Unit Name (Level 2, or Level 3) – unit name where Alexa devices are installed.
- Number of Devices – total number of Alexa devices that are installed.
- Number of Active Devices – total number of active Alexa devices.
- Number of Dialogs – total number of dialogs that your customers engage with your devices on that date.
Communications tab
The Communications tab contains a breakdown of customer engagement with Communications features including voice and touch engagement actions.
Following are the default visualizations in the Communications tab:
- Devices - Total and Percent Active – A gauge chart that shows the total number of unique devices associated with rooms under your account, along with the percentage of devices that are active. Active devices are devices with at least one dialog or communication interaction in the selected time period. A dialog is an interaction with multiple turns in which the user asks questions and Alexa responds with an answer. The default time period is 30 days.
- Active Devices per Day – An active device trend chart that shows the number of active devices on a daily basis. Choose the graphic to change the time granularity from daily to weekly and vice versa.
- All Actions Breakdown – A pie graph that shows the composition of communication engagement for devices in your properties across different types of engagement, including calling by voice, calling with video, drop-ins by voice, and drop-ins by video. The actions that appear depend on the features that are enabled for your subscription. If you select an action type from this pie graph by clicking on it, the other graphs in the tab update to show metrics only for that action type. Filtering by experience type or call provider also updates the contents of this graph.
- All - Actions Count – A line graph and a table view that show the total inbound, outbound, and total communication actions per day for devices in your properties. Group calls or group drop-ins show only one outbound action but show multiple inbound actions for each participant in the call or drop-in within your properties. Calls made to devices or numbers outside of your properties appear in outbound actions only. Calls made from outside of your property to devices in your properties appear as an inbound action only. Filtering by experience type or call provider also updates the contents of the graph and table.
- All - Actions Duration (minutes) – A line graph and a table view that show the total inbound, outbound, and total communication minutes per day for devices in your properties. Group calls or group drop-ins add the call or drop-in duration one time for outbound action minutes, but are added multiple times for each participant for inbound action minutes. Calls made to devices or numbers outside of your properties appear in outbound action minutes only. Calls made from outside of your property to devices in your properties appear as inbound action minutes only. Filtering by experience type or call provider also updates the contents of this graph.
Proactive Campaigns tab
The Proactive Campaigns tab has the following default visualizations:
- Active Campaigns – The number of campaigns that are currently active for the time range and selected properties.
- Targeted Devices – The number of devices where the campaigns are being displayed.
- Active Campaigns per Day – A line graph that shows the active campaigns for each day.
- Targeted Devices per Day – A line graph that shows the number of devices that the campaigns are being displayed on for each day.
- Taps – The number of times that users have tapped on the proactive campaign when the campaign is being displayed.
- Displayed – The number of times that the campaigns were displayed on the screen.
- Taps per Day – A line graph that shows the number of taps for each day.
- Displayed per Day – A line graph that shows the number of times that campaigns were displayed on the screen per day.
Defects tab
A request is categorized as defective in the following situations:
- A customer makes a request to Alexa and Alexa responds with a message like "Sorry, I can't do that, please something else."
- Alexa responds to the request but the user says "Alexa, stop" or doesn't respond to the question that Alexa asked.
Hard defects are requests where Alexa responds with an error message. Soft defects are when Alexa responds to the request but the user says stop or doesn't respond to the question. The defects tab shows the information about defects for requests made to smart home, communication, and skill domains with the following visuals:
- Defect Counts - By Day – The number of requests (utterances) that are hard defects and soft defects per day for the selected domain with the total number of requests (utterances) as well as the defect rate.
- Top Soft Defects – A sample of the top requests that customers have made that are classified as a soft defect
- Top Hard Defects – A sample of the top requests that customers have made that are classified as a hard defect
Related topics
- About Alexa Smart Properties
- About Managing Roles in Alexa Smart Properties
- Manage Properties and Rooms
- Alexa Smart Properties Device Purchase and Setup
- Manage Skills in Alexa Smart Properties
- Alexa Smart Properties Networking Requirements and Best Practices
- Analytics API
Last updated: Mar 11, 2025