Developer Console

Amazon Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program

The Amazon Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program offers an increased revenue share and AWS credits for developers earning less than 1 million USD in annual revenue.

For a brief overview of the program, watch the following video.


If you are eligible for the program, your revenue share increases to 80/20 for all revenue earned from the Amazon Appstore. Additionally, you can receive Amazon Web Services (AWS) credits equivalent to 10% of your app revenue on Amazon devices.

The following table shows the Small Business Accelerator Program's benefits for Appstore devices.

Revenue threshold Revenue share AWS credits
1 million USD 80/20 10% of monthly earnings

Eligibility and enrollment

You are eligible for the Small Business Accelerator Program if you are:

  • An existing Amazon Appstore developer, in all marketplaces, who earned less than 1 million USD in the prior calendar year, or
  • A new Amazon Appstore developer

You are automatically enrolled in increased revenue share if you meet this criteria. To receive AWS credits, you need to enroll in the Appstore Developer Console.

The eligibility threshold (1 million USD) is based on annual revenue.

If the total revenue from your transactions reaches 1 million USD in the current year, your account will revert to the standard royalty rate for the rest of the year and you will stop receiving AWS credits. The standard royalty rate begins with the next transaction on your account after you reach 1 million USD. You will stop receiving AWS credits as soon as your revenue reaches the 1 million USD threshold.

You will not be eligible in the next calendar year if your transactions exceed the threshold in the current year. If your revenue falls below 1 million USD in a future year, you will be eligible in the next calendar year.

Receive AWS credits

In addition to increased revenue share, the Small Business Accelerator Program offers AWS credits equivalent to 10% of your app revenue.

You can receive credits worth 10% of your app revenue up to 1 million USD, for a maximum credit amount of 100,000 USD. To learn how to set up your developer account to receive AWS credits, watch the following video.

You need an active AWS account to receive AWS credits from the Small Business Accelerator Program. Enter your AWS account information in the Appstore Developer Console. Sign in to the Appstore Developer Console as an account administrator to enter your AWS account information.

  1. Sign in to the Developer Console.
  2. In the Developer Console, go Settings > Payments and Benefits.
  3. In the Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program Benefits section, enter your AWS account information.
  4. Acknowledge the terms and conditions and save your information.

Credits will be added to your AWS account at the beginning of each month.

Invalid AWS accounts

The Amazon Appstore will notify you if your AWS account information is invalid. If you enter an invalid or inactive AWS account, you will not receive AWS credits for the calendar month. You need to provide valid account details in the Developer Console in order to receive AWS credits for future months.

Remove AWS accounts

You can remove your AWS information from the program at any time.

  1. In the Developer Console, go to Settings > Payments and Benefits > Appstore Small Business Accelerator Program Benefits.
  2. Select Remove next to your AWS Account ID.
  3. Select Proceed to confirm.

After you remove your AWS account information, you will no longer receive credits. The credits you earned previously remain on your account, subject to AWS's credits terms and conditions.

AWS credit earnings report

You will receive a confirmation notification and email when the Appstore disperses credits to your AWS account. Login to your AWS account to check the credit details.

You can also see your AWS credit earnings in the Appstore Developer Console under the Earnings tab. You can download your earnings report, which includes columns detailing the credits earned, currency (USD), and the credit issued date. To see the fields in the earnings report specific to AWS credits, see AWS credit earnings report fields. For more information on the full earnings reports, including how to access them, see Earnings Reports.

Refunds and chargebacks

The Small Business Accelerator Program factors refunds and chargebacks into your revenue eligibility if the payment and credit occur in the same month. For example, if your customer pays for a service in May then receives a refund for this transaction in May, both the payment and refund are included in your revenue. However, if a purchase completes in May and refund is issued in June, the refund is not included in your revenue for the Small Business Accelerator Program.

Terms and conditions

To learn more about the Small Business Accelerator Program's terms and conditions, see the Amazon Developer Services Agreement.

Small Business Accelerator Program FAQ

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Small Business Accelerator Program.

Q: How do I know if I am eligible for the Small Business Accelerator Program?
If you earned less than 1 million USD in revenue in the Amazon Appstore across all geographies in the prior calendar year, or are a new developer to the Amazon Appstore, you are eligible for the Small Business Accelerator Program. New developers with custom agreements are excluded from the program.

If you are eligible at the start of the year, but earn 1 million USD or more in the Amazon Appstore during the current year, you will receive standard royalty rates and benefits for the following year. If your revenue falls below 1 million USD in a future year, you will be eligible for the Small Business Accelerator Program in the next calendar year. For more details about eligibility requirements, see Eligibility and enrollment.

Q: How do I start receiving AWS credits?
To start receiving AWS credits, you must enroll in the Small Business Accelerator Program. To enroll, sign in to the Appstore Developer Console, enter valid AWS account details, and agree to the Small Business Accelerator Program's terms and conditions. If you meet the requirements, you automatically receive the new royalty rate. For detailed instructions, follow the steps in Receive AWS credits.
Q: Will I receive AWS credits from the Appstore if I am already receiving credit benefits from AWS?
Yes, the Small Business Accelerator Program AWS credits are in addition to other benefits you might receive from AWS for being an AWS customer.
Q: I enrolled in AWS credits for the Small Business Accelerator Program. When will I receive my AWS credits, and how are they calculated?
As long as you earn 10 USD or more in Appstore revenue in a marketplace by the end of a calendar month, you will receive AWS credits equaling 10% of that month's revenues 15 days after the end of the month. Amazon calculates and issues AWS credits separately per marketplace.

For example, if your apps earn 1,500 USD in revenue in the United States in January, you would receive 150 USD worth of AWS credits on February 15. Developers earning less than 10 USD in a month in a marketplace are not eligible for AWS credits. For example, if your apps earn less than 10 USD in revenue in the United States in January, you would not receive any AWS credits.

Q: I just enrolled in the Small Business Accelerator Program. Can I get AWS credits on my previous months' earnings?
Unfortunately, the Appstore can't grant credits on revenue earned prior to enrolling into the program. You start receiving your AWS credit benefits the day you enroll in the Small Business Accelerator Program.
Q: When do I become eligible to earn AWS credits?
Monthly credit rewards start the day you enroll in the program. For example, if you enroll on December 10, Amazon calculates your AWS credits based on revenue generated on the Appstore from December 10 to 31.
Q: Are there any limitations on my ability to earn AWS credits?
You will not receive AWS credits if the value of your earned AWS credits would equal less than 1 USD based on the prior month's revenues in that marketplace.
Q: I receive royalty payments in multiple currencies. Is the eligibility requirement of less than 1 million USD in revenue only for my USD revenue?
No, the eligibility requirements of less than 1 million USD includes the total annual Appstore revenue across all regions and currencies.
Q: Can I use my AWS credits to consume AWS services in other regions?
Your AWS credits can be used regardless of region. Amazon adjusts your AWS credits into your monthly billing for any AWS service or product usage worldwide.
Q: Where can I find my AWS credit earning details?
You receive a confirmation notification and email when the Appstore disperses credits to your AWS account. Sign in to your AWS account to check the credit details. You can also see your AWS credit earnings in the Appstore Developer Console in the Earnings & Payments section under the Reporting tab.
Q: How do I update or change my AWS account information?
You can update and change your AWS account information in the Amazon Developer Console. Visit the Add Account page and make the necessary changes. There is no limit to the amount of times you can change your AWS account information. The AWS account entered in the Appstore Developer Console on the last day of the month is the one that will receive any AWS credits.
Q: How can I use my AWS credits?
AWS credits are automatically applied to your AWS account, and can be used for all the AWS services and products you use each month. Any remaining credits are carried forward to the following month but will expire 12 months from the date they were issued. Refer to your monthly earnings report in the Developer Console for details on monthly credit issuance. You can also find total available AWS credit balance and information in your AWS account or via AWS customer support.

AWS credit earnings report fields

The following table lists the fields in the earnings report that are specific to AWS credits. To learn more about earnings reports and see the full list of fields in an earnings report, see Earnings Reports.

Field Type Description Example
Aws Credit Earned Number (currency) AWS credit earnings amount. Ten percent of total earnings for the associated marketplace. Excludes refunds and chargebacks. 218.92
Aws Credit Earned Currency String Three letter currency of the AWS credits earned. GBP
fx_rate Number Foreign exchange rate used to convert the AWS credit earnings amount from the home currency into USD. 1.2124
Aws Credit Earned In USD Number (currency) AWS credit earnings amount in USD. 1005.37
AWS Credit Issued Currency String Three letter currency of the AWS credits issued. The value is always USD. USD
Aws Credit Issued in USD Number (currency) Amount of AWS credits issued in USD. 1005.37
Aws Credit Issued Date Time String The date and time of when the AWS credits were issued. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS XST, with 00-23 as the range of hours. Times are shown in GMT. 2023-01-29 00:00:00 GMT
Credit Status String Status of the AWS credits. Values include Successful and Not Issued. Successful

Last updated: Mar 05, 2025