ASK CLI Command Reference

This reference describes all the commands available through Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) Command Line Interface (CLI). For an overview of the ASK CLI, see ASK CLI Overview. To get started quickly with the ASK CLI, see the ASK CLI Quick Start.


Valid syntax for the ASK CLI commands include the following:

$ ask [options]
$ ask [command] [options]
$ ask [command] [subcommand] [options]

ASK CLI has two different kinds of commands for manipulating skills associated with your developer account.

  • High-level commands simplify working with your Alexa skill projects by abstracting details and performing multiple actions. Start with these commands if you are new to skill development, or when you don't need fine control over API calls. Some examples of high-level commands are new, deploy, and configure.

  • Low-level commands are to control individual parts of your Alexa Skill. These commands are wrappers of the Alexa Skill Management API (SMAPI) operations, so they give you control over each API call. These commands are useful when you want to change portions of a skill that you have already added to your account. The subcommands of the smapi command are low-level commands.

To get the version number of the ASK CLI that is installed on your computer, use the --version option as follows.

$ ask [--version | -V]

Common parameters

The ASK CLI commands have common parameters, such as --help and --debug. The common parameters have the same behavior in each command that includes them.

Debug mode for commands

You can run most ASK CLI commands in debug mode, by appending --debug to the command. The same results appear as when –debug isn't specified, except that an additional debug message is displayed (sent to stderr) after the command finishes running. This debug message consists of these fields: timestamp, api-name, request-id, method, url, response-code, request-header, request-body, response-header, and response-body.

To save these results, run the command and redirect the output to a local text file, as follows:

$ ask [command] <other parameters> --debug 2> debug.txt

Help mode for commands

Each ASK CLI command provides help about what it does and its options by appending --help to the command. When you run the command in help mode, the command itself doesn't run.

 $ ask [command] --help

Skill stage

Many ASK CLI commands refer to the stage of a skill. The stage value can be either development or live. If development, the skill isn't published. If live, the skill is published, but it might be either live in production, hidden from users, or removed from the Alexa Skills Store. For more details, see Publication status.

configure command

Initialize ASK CLI with your Amazon developer account credentials. Run this command to initialize the tool with your developer account credentials before performing skill operations. This command uses port 9090 and if this port is already in use, you get an error.

The ask configure command helps you configure the credentials that ASK CLI uses to authenticate you to Amazon developer services and Amazon Web Services (AWS). This interactive command opens a web browser so you can sign in to your Amazon Developer account, and prompts you to enter information or answer questions about the credentials you want to use.

You can use ask configure to view and configure profiles, which contain credentials for different Amazon or AWS accounts. With profiles, you can use ASK CLI to manage skills that belong to different account by using the -p or --profile option with commands like ask new, ask deploy, and others.

For more details about how ASK CLI stores and manages your Amazon developer and AWS credentials, see Manage Credentials with ASK CLI.


ask configure [--profile | -p <profile>]
              [--help | -h]


--profile, -p
Optional. Specifies a profile to use for the credentials that you're configuring. If you omit this option, the CLI prompts you to choose the profile from a list or create a new one.
Optional. Use this option when you run the ask configure command on a computer that doesn't have a web browser. ASK CLI displays a URL that you can use to sign in with your Amazon developer account by using a web browser on a different computer. After you sign in, the browser displays a code that you can enter at the command line to complete the configuration of your credentials.

deploy command

Deploy a skill to your developer account including your skill manifest, voice interaction model, and AWS Lambda functions. For an overview and usage examples, see deploy a skill project to the development stage in the ASK CLI overview.


ask deploy [--profile | -p <profile>]
           [--target | -t <target>]
           [--help | -h]


--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. When you don't include this option, the ASK CLI uses the default profile.
--target, -t

Optional. The skill project resource to deploy. Valid values:

  • skill-metadata: The skill-package directory only.
  • skill-infrastructure: The skill-package directory and the lambda/ directory.
Optional. Forces the skill to deploy again even if it has not changed.

dialog command

Opens a dialog mode in which developers can simulate a multi-turn conversation with Alexa. Each dialog uses simulate-skill, which is an asynchronous operation that continues to poll the simulation result until it's available and then shows the Alexa text responses. The interaction mode doesn't start if the parameters are invalid and doesn't end unless the user enters the special command !quit or Ctrl+C. For details, see Test your skill.

There are two special commands that the user can enter in the dialog: .quit, which terminates the interaction mode, and .record, which prompts the user to input a file name so the dialog input can be recorded, along with the current interaction mode skillId, locale, input type, and all input texts. The .record command only records the user inputs in the latest session.

If you run this command with the --replay option, specify the recording file that contains the skill information and user input. The replay option replays the user inputs, and Alexa responds as if in a conversation. See Replay file format. Do not specify the skillId in the command line.

If you run this command without the --replay option, then you enter the dialog directly, as if speaking to Alexa for the specified skill. You must either specify the skillId or run the command from the skill project root directory, and you must specify the locale.

  • If the skill session has not ended, you continue to see the User > prompt on the command line, and you can continue to input text as if conversing with Alexa.

  • If the skill session has ended, you see the line ---Skill Session Ended.--- in the command-line window, but the interaction mode remains open. You still see the User > prompt, and you can continue to input text.


ask dialog [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
           [--locale | -l <locale>]
           [--stage | -g <stage>]
           [--replay | -r <file-path>]


--skill-id, -s
Optional. This should be in the format amzn1.ask.skill.12345678-1234-1234-123456789123. If you don't specify the skill id or the --replay option, you must run this command from the root directory where the skill has already been created or cloned. You can't specify both the --skill-id and the --replay option.
--locale, -l
Optional if ASK_DEFAULT_DEVICE_LOCALE environment variable is set, otherwise, required if the --replay option is not used. Locale for the skill to be simulated. Valid values are en-US, en-GB, en-CA, en-AU, en-IN, de-DE, or ja-JP. If not specified and if the --replay option is not specified, you are prompted to enter the locale. You cannot specify locale if you use the --replay option.
--stage, -g
Optional. Indicates stage of the skill. Use development or live as values. Defaults to development.
--replay, -r
Optional. Specify a replay file to simulate a conversation with your skill. This file contains text utterances from the start of the session or your last recording point. You can use the recorded files to automate frequently used tests. This replay file may contain the skill-id and locale. If the file does not contain the skill-id, this command must be run from the skill project root directory where the skill to be tested has already been created or cloned.
--profile, -p
Optional. To use a profile other than the default, include the profile name.
Optional. Appends a debug message to the standard error.

Replay file format

The replay file takes the following format.

    "locale": "en-US",
    "type": "text",
    "userInput": ["book flight", "Vancouver"]
Attribute Description
skillId Specifies the skill to be simulated.
locale Specifies the locale that you want to test for the skill, such as "en-US".
type "text"
userInput An array of utterances that the user would say to the skill.

You can create a replay file manually with the appropriate information, following the format shown, and save the file for future use.

You can also create a replay file as follows:

  • Type the command ask dialog.
  • Enter .record at the prompt.
  • Enter the requested information as you are prompted for it. This includes the filename to save the file.

In either case, specify the desired replay file when you use the --replay option.

init command

The ask init command helps you set up a new or an existing Alexa skill project. The command helps you create an ask-resources.json file to help deploy the skill. It sets the most common attributes and suggests sensible defaults for using AWS Lambda as your endpoint.


ask init [--hosted-skill-id <hosted-skill-id>]
         [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. Specifying the Skill ID of an Alexa-hosted skill starts a workflow to clone the skill to the current directory.
--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI creates the skill. If not specified, ASK CLI uses the default profile.

new command

The ask new command creates a new skill project by copying from a skill template. It creates a new Alexa skill project on your computer, with the necessary folders and files to deploy it with minimal changes. For an overview and usage examples, see create a new skill project in the ASK CLI overview.


ask new [--template-url <url>]
        [--template-branch <branch>]
        [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional: The URL of a Git repository that contains a skill template.
Optional: The name of the skill template branch to use. Use this parameter in conjunction with the --template-url parameter to specify which branch of the template repository to clone locally.
--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI creates the skill. If not specified, ASK CLI uses the default profile.

run command

Use the run command to start a debugging session to test your skill while you are building it locally. Requests to your skill are routed to your local computer instead of your Lambda function. For details and prerequisites, see Test your skill locally.

After the local debugging session starts, use the ask dialog command to simulate requests to your skill.


ask run [--debug-port <debug-port>]
        [--region <region>]
        [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional: The port where the debugging process runs. Integer. The default port is 5000.
Optional: Include this flag to wait for the debugging inspector to attach at the debug port. The default is false.
Optional: Include this flag to use nodemon to monitor changes and automatically restart the session. The default is false.
Optional: The region for the debugging session. One of: NA, EU, FE. The default is NA.
--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI creates the skill. If not specified, ASK CLI uses the default profile.

util command

The util command provides utility tools to manage Alexa skill development.


Generates Login with Amazon tokens from an LWA client. For more details, see Login with Amazon.


ask util generate-lwa-tokens [--client-id]


Optional. The client-id when registering LWA application.
Optional. The client-secret when registering LWA application.
Optional. A list of scopes you are requesting access to, delimited by double quotes and separated by spaces. For example, "alexa::ask:skills:readwrite alexa::ask:models:readwrite".
Optional. A URL appears that you can use to sign in with your Amazon developer account from anywhere.


ask util generate-lwa-tokens --client-id --client-confirmation 1a0example --scopes "alexa::ask:skills:readwrite alexa::ask:models:readwrite alexa::ask:skills:test alexa::ask:catalogs:read alexa::ask:catalogs:readwrite"


Returns the git credentials for an Alexa-hosted skill repository.


ask util git-credentials-helper [--profile | -p <profile>]


--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. If not specified, ASK CLI uses the default profile.


Upgrades ASK CLI v1.x skill projects to the ASK CLI v2 project format.


ask util upgrade-project [--profile | -p <profile>]


--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. If not specified, ASK CLI uses the default profile.

smapi command

The smapi command provides subcommands that have a one-to-one relationship with the underlying API operations in the Alexa Skill Management API (SMAPI). The commands allow detailed control of API inputs and expose raw outputs. There are subcommands for creating and updating the skill, the voice interaction model, and account linking information as well as starting the skill certification process.

Use the smapi command and subcommands to manage details of Alexa skills associated with your developer account. Use these commands if you want to create or update portions of an Alexa skill, and for beta testing your skill.


$ ask smapi <subcommand>


Add testers to a beta test for the given Alexa skill.


$ ask smapi add-testers-to-beta-test [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                     [--testers-emails <testers-emails>]
                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. List of email address of beta testers. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Associate a catalog with a skill.


$ ask smapi associate-catalog-with-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                         [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--catalog-id, -c
Required. The unique identifier of a catalog.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, the body, headers, and status code of the response are returned as one object.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Associate an in-skill product with a skill.


$ ask smapi associate-isp-with-skill [--product-id <product-id>]
                                     [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The in-skill product ID.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Creates a new clone-locale workflow for a skill. For more details on skill cloning, see Clone a Skill Locale or the associated SMAPI API references.


ask smapi clone-locale [-s,--skill-id <skill-id>]
                       [-g,--stage <stage>]
                       [--source-locale <source-locale>]
                       [--target-locales <target-locales>]
                       [--overwrite-mode <overwrite-mode>]
                       [-p, --profile <profile>]
                       [-h, --help]


-s, --skill-id
Required. The skill ID of the skill you are cloning.
-g, --stage
Required. The publishing stage of the skill you are cloning.
Accepted values: development
Required. The locale of the skill assets you're cloning, for example, en-US. You can only set a single sourceLocale per clone.
Required. A list of locales where sourceLocale assets copy to, for example, en-CA. You can include multiple locales in a single command by using a comma separated list.
Optional. Build to an existing target and overwrite the current locale.
Default value: DO_NOT_OVERWRITE
-p, --profile
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. If not provided, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Optional. When you include this option, ASK CLI displays debug messages in the output of the command.


Create a beta test for a given Alexa skill.


$ ask smapi create-beta-test [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                             [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


$ ask smapi create-catalog [--title <title>]
                           [--type <type>]
                           [--usage <usage>]
                           [--profile | -p <profile>]

Create a new catalog with the specified type, title, and usage.


Required. The title for the new catalog.
Required. The type of new catalog. Select one of: AMAZON.MusicAlbum, AMAZON.MusicGroup, AMAZON.Genre, AMAZON.MusicPlaylist, AMAZON.MusicRecording, or AMAZON.BroadcastChannel.

The type value must match the usage value. For example, if you select AMAZON.MusicAlbum as the type, you must select AlexaMusic.Catalog.MusicAlbum as the usage.
Required. The usage of the new catalog. Select one of: AlexaMusic.Catalog.MusicAlbum, AlexaMusic.Catalog.MusicGroup, AlexaMusic.Catalog.Genre, AlexaMusic.Catalog.MusicPlaylist, AlexaMusic.Catalog.MusicRecording, or AlexaMusic.Catalog.BroadcastChannel.

The selected value must correspond to the type value.
--profile, -p
Optional. The profile to be updated or created. If the specified profile already exists, the CLI will overwrite the profile with your inputs. If not provided, the CLI will start an interactive prompt that lets you either create a new profile or update an existing one.
Optional. A setting that returns the body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Optional. A setting that appends a debug message to the standard error.


Create a new upload for a catalog and returns location to track the upload process.


$ ask smapi create-catalog-upload [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                  [--catalog-upload-request-body <catalog-upload-request-body>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. Request body for create content upload [JSON].
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new export for a skill with given skillId and stage.


$ ask smapi create-export-request-for-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                            [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                            [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi create-interaction-model-catalog [--catalog-name <catalog-name>]
                                             [--catalog-description <catalog-description>]
                                             [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. Name of the catalog.
Optional. Description string about the catalog.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new version of catalog for the given catalogId. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi create-interaction-model-catalog-version [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                     [--source-type <source-type>]
                                                     [--source-url <source-url>]
                                                     [--description <description>]
                                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Type of catalog.
URL to the catalog reference.
Description string for specific catalog version.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new version of slot type within the given slotTypeId.


$ ask smapi create-interaction-model-slot-type [--slot-type <slot-type>]
                                               [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. [JSON].
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new version of slot type entity for the given slotTypeId.


$ ask smapi create-interaction-model-slot-type-version [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                       [--slot-type <slot-type>]
                                                       [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Required. [JSON].
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new in-skill product for a given vendor ID.


$ ask smapi create-isp-for-vendor [--create-in-skill-product-request <create-in-skill-product-request>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. Defines the request body for createInSkillProduct API in a JSON file.
Use file:<path/json file name>. For details about the file format, see Create a new in-skill product SMAPI API.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new skill for given vendorId. To get information about the manifest schema before you use this command, call the get-resource-schema.


$ ask smapi create-skill-for-vendor [--manifest <manifest>]
                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. Defines the request body for createSkill API. [JSON].
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new import for a skill. To get information about the skill package structure before you use this command, call the get-resource-schema.


$ ask smapi create-skill-package [--vendor-id <vendor-id>]
                                 [--location <location>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. ID of the vendor owning the skill.
Required. Location of the package.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create and start a capability evaluation against a Smart Home skill.


$ ask smapi create-smarthome-capability-evaluation [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                                   [--capability-test-plan-id <capability-test-plan-id>]
                                                   [--endpoint-endpoint-id <endpoint-endpoint-id>]
                                                   [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                                   [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The unique identifier of the skill.
Required. A unique ID to identify each test plan.
Required. A unique ID of the endpoint.
--stage, -g
The stage indicates the stage of the skill. Accepted values are development and live.
--profile, -p
Provides the ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Enables the ASK CLI to show debug messages in the output of the command.


Create a new uploadUrl.


$ ask smapi create-upload-url [--profile | -p <profile>]


--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete account Linking information of a skill for the given stage.


$ ask smapi delete-account-linking-info [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                        [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi delete-interaction-model-catalog [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                             [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete a version of a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi delete-interaction-model-catalog-version [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                     [--vers <version>]
                                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete the slot type.


$ ask smapi delete-interaction-model-slot-type [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                               [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete slot type version.


$ ask smapi delete-interaction-model-slot-type-version [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                       [--vers <version>]
                                                       [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Deletes the in-skill product for given productId. Only development stage supported. Live in-skill products or in-skill products associated with a skill cannot be deleted by this API.


$ ask smapi delete-isp-for-product [--product-id <product-id>]
                                   [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                   [--if-match <if-match>]
                                   [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The in-skill product ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
Optional. Request header that specified an entity tag. The server updates the resource only if the eTag matches the resource's current eTag.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete the skill and model for given skillId.


$ ask smapi delete-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Delete the enablement for given skillId/stage and customerId (retrieved from Auth token).


$ ask smapi delete-skill-enablement [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                    [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Disassociate an in-skill product from a skill.


$ ask smapi disassociate-isp-with-skill [--product-id <product-id>]
                                        [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The in-skill product ID.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


End a beta test for a given Alexa skill. The system revokes the entitlement of each tester.


$ ask smapi end-beta-test [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                          [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Download the skill package to the skill-package folder in the current directory.


$ ask smapi export-package [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                           [--stage | -g <stage>]
                           [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill identifier.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for the skill.
--profile, -p
Optional. The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Optional. When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Generate presigned urls to upload data.


$ ask smapi generate-catalog-upload-url [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                        [--number-of-upload-parts <number-of-upload-parts>]
                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. The number of partial files. An equal number of presigned urls are generated to upload each partial file.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Generate credentials to access the repository of an Alexa-hosted skill.


$ ask smapi generate-credentials-for-alexa-hosted-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                                        [--repository-url <repository-url>]
                                                        [--repository-type <repository-type>]
                                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. The url of the repository for the Alexa-hosted skill.
Optional. The type of repository for the Alexa-hosted skill. [ENUM]: GIT.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get account linking information for the skill.


$ ask smapi get-account-linking-info [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                     [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get Alexa-hosted skill metadata.


$ ask smapi get-alexa-hosted-skill-metadata [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                            [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the current user permissions about Alexa-hosted skill features.


$ ask smapi get-alexa-hosted-skill-user-permissions [--hosted-skill-permission-type <hosted-skill-permission-type>]
                                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The permission of a hosted skill feature that you need to check.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get a beta test for a given Alexa skill.


$ ask smapi get-beta-test [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                          [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Gets a specific certification resource. The response contains the review tracking information for a skill to show how much time the skill is expected to remain under review by Amazon. Once the review is complete, the response also contains the outcome of the review. Old certifications may not be available, however any ongoing certification would always give a response. If the certification is unavailable the result returns a 404 HTTP status code.


$ ask smapi get-certification-review [--accept-language <accept-language>]
                                     [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                     [--certification-id | -c <certification-id>]
                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. User's locale/language in context.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--certification-id, -c
Required. ID of the certification. To get the most recent certification review, use a value of ~mostRecent. The behavior of the API in this case would be the same as when the actual certification ID of the most recent certification is used in the request.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get list of all certifications available for a skill, including information about past certifications and any ongoing certification. The default sort order is descending on skillSubmissionTimestamp for Certifications.


$ ask smapi get-certifications-list [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                    [--next-token <next-token>]
                                    [--max-results <max-results>]
                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Returns the status of an in progress clone-locale workflow. For more details on skill cloning, see Clone a Skill Locale or the associated SMAPI API references.


ask smapi get-clone-locale-status [-s,--skill-id <skill-id>]
                                  [-g,--stage <stage>]
                                  [--clone-locale-request-id <clone-locale-request-id>]
                                  [-p, --profile <profile>]
                                  [-h, --help]


-s, --skill-id
Required. The skill ID of the skill are cloning.
-g, --stage
Required. The publishing stage of the skill you are cloning.
Accepted values: development
Required. Defines the identifier for a clone-locale workflow. If set to ~latest, the request returns the status of the latest clone locale workflow.
-p, --profile
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. If not provided, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Optional. When you include this option, ASK CLI displays debug messages in the output of the command.


Get detailed information about an upload for a specific catalog. Includes the upload's ingestion steps and a url for downloading the file.


$ ask smapi get-content-upload-by-id [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                     [--upload-id <upload-id>]
                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. Unique identifier of the upload.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get status for given importId.


$ ask smapi get-import-status [--import-id <import-id>]
                              [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The Import ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Gets the voice interaction model for the skill in the given stage.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                  [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                  [--locale | -l <locale>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--locale, -l
Required. The locale for the model requested. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the catalog definition. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-catalog-definition [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Gets the status of a previous request to create or update a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-catalog-update-status [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                        [--update-request-id <update-request-id>]
                                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. The identifier for the slot type version creation process.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get values from the given interaction model catalog and version. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-catalog-values [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                 [--vers <version>]
                                                 [--max-results <max-results>]
                                                 [--next-token <next-token>]
                                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Gets a specific version of a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-catalog-version [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                  [--vers <version>]
                                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the latest metadata for the voice interaction model for the given stage.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-metadata [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                           [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                           [--locale | -l <locale>]
                                           [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--locale, -l
Required. The locale for the model requested. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the status of slot type resource and its sub-resources for a given slotTypeId.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-slot-type-build-status [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                         [--update-request-id <update-request-id>]
                                                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Required. The identifier for slotType version creation process.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the slot type definition.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-slot-type-definition [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                       [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get slot type version data of given slot type version.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-slot-type-version [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                    [--vers <version>]
                                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Gets the specified version of the voice interaction model of a skill.


$ ask smapi get-interaction-model-version [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                          [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                          [--locale | -l <locale>]
                                          [--vers <version>]
                                          [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--locale, -l
Required. The locale for the model requested. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model to get. Use ~current to get the current version of the voice interaction model.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the associated skills for the in-skill product.


$ ask smapi get-isp-associated-skills [--product-id <product-id>]
                                      [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                      [--next-token <next-token>]
                                      [--max-results <max-results>]
                                      [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The in-skill product ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Returns the in-skill product definition for given productId.


$ ask smapi get-isp-definition [--product-id <product-id>]
                               [--stage | -g <stage>]
                               [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The in-skill product ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the list of in-skill products for the skillId.


$ ask smapi get-isp-list-for-skill-id [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                      [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                      [--next-token <next-token>]
                                      [--max-results <max-results>]
                                      [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the list of in-skill products for the vendor.


$ ask smapi get-isp-list-for-vendor [--next-token <next-token>]
                                    [--max-results <max-results>]
                                    [--product-id <product-id>]
                                    [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                    [--type <type>]
                                    [--reference-name <reference-name>]
                                    [--status <status>]
                                    [--is-associated-with-skill <is-associated-with-skill>]
                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. The list of in-skill product IDs that you wish to get the summary for. A maximum of 50 in-skill product IDs can be specified in a single listInSkillProducts call. This parameter must not be used with 'nextToken' and/or 'maxResults' parameter. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
--stage, -g
Optional. Filter in-skill products by specified stage. [ENUM]: development,live.
Optional. Type of in-skill product to filter on. [ENUM]: SUBSCRIPTION,ENTITLEMENT,CONSUMABLE.
Optional. Filter in-skill products by reference name.
Optional. Filter in-skill products by whether or not they are associated to a skill. [ENUM]: ASSOCIATED_WITH_SKILL,NO_SKILL_ASSOCIATIONS.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the summary information for an in-skill product.


$ ask smapi get-isp-summary [--product-id <product-id>]
                            [--stage | -g <stage>]
                            [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The in-skill product ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


List all testers in a beta test for the given Alexa skill.


$ ask smapi get-list-of-testers [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                [--next-token <next-token>]
                                [--max-results <max-results>]
                                [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 500 results, you can add this parameter to your request. The response might contain fewer results than `maxResults`, but it will never contain more.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Use the get-resource-schema command to get information about the schema or directory structure that your skill requires before you call a CLI or SMAPI command, or work with a skill package locally. You can use this information to validate your schema or directory structure before errors occur. For more details, see Resource Schema REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi get-resource-schema [--resource <resource>]
                                [--operation <operation>]
                                [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The resource that you want information for. One of manifest, skillPackageStructure.
Required when resource is manifest. The operation that you want the manifest schema for. The manifest schema is different for different operations. For example, when you submit your skill for certification there are more schema validations than when you first create your skill. One of CREATE_SKILL, UPDATE_SKILL, ENABLE_SKILL, SUBMIT_SKILL.
When you include this option, the body, headers, and status code of the response are returned as one object.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the rollback status of a skill given an associated rollbackRequestId. Use ~latest in place of rollbackRequestId to get the latest rollback status.


ask smapi get-rollback-for-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                 [--rollback-request-id <rollback-request-id>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. The identifier for a rollback request. If set to ~latest, the request returns the status of the latest rollback request.
--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. If not provided, the CLI uses the default profile.
Optional. When you include this option, debug messages in the output of the command.


Get the client credentials (clientId and clientSecret) for the skill.


$ ask smapi get-skill-credentials [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
When you include this option, the body, headers, and status code of the response are returned as one object.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Check whether an enablement exist for given skillId/stage and customerId (retrieved from Auth token).


$ ask smapi get-skill-enablement-status [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                        [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Return the skill manifest for given skillId and stage.


$ ask smapi get-skill-manifest [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                               [--stage | -g <stage>]
                               [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get analytic metrics report of skill usage.


$ ask smapi get-skill-metrics [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                              [--start-time <start-time>]
                              [--end-time <end-time>]
                              [--period <period>]
                              [--metric <metric>]
                              [--stage | -g <stage>]
                              [--skill-type <skill-type>]
                              [--intent <intent>]
                              [--locale | -l <locale>]
                              [--max-results <max-results>]
                              [--next-token <next-token>]
                              [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. The start time of query.
Required. The end time of query (The maximum time duration is 1 week).
Required. The aggregation period to use when retrieving the metric, follows ISO_8601#Durations format.
Required. A distinct set of logic which predictably returns a set of data.
--stage, -g
Required. The stage of the skill (live, development).
Required. The type of the skill (custom, smartHome and flashBriefing).
Optional. The intent of the skill.
--locale, -l
Optional. The locale for the skill. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE and etc.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


This API gets the result of a previous simulation. A successful response contains the status of the simulation. If the simulation successfully completed, the response contains information related to skill invocation. In cases where requests to this API results in an error, the response contains an error code and a description of the problem. In cases where the simulation failed, the response contains a status attribute indicating that a failure occurred and details about what was sent to the skill endpoint. Simulation results are stored for 10 minutes. A request for an expired simulation result returns a 404 HTTP status code.


$ ask smapi get-skill-simulation [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                 [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                 [--simulation-id | -i <simulation-id>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--simulation-id, -i
Required. Id of the simulation.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the status of skill resource and its sub-resources for a given skillId.


$ ask smapi get-skill-status [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                             [--resource <resource>]
                             [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Resource name for which status information is desired.
Optional filtering parameter that you can include more than one time to retrieve status for the specified resources in a single API call.
Valid values: manifest, interactionModel, hostedSkillDeployment, hostedSkillProvisioning.
If this parameter isn't specified, status for all the resources are returned.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


This API gets the result of a previous validation attempt. A successful response contains the status of the validation attempt. If the validation successfully completed, the response contains information related to the validation attempt. In cases where requests to this API results in an error, the response contains a description of the problem. In cases where the validation attempt failed, the response contains a status attribute indicating that a failure occurred. Validation results are stored for 60 minutes. A request for an expired validation result returns a 404 HTTP status code.


$ ask smapi get-skill-validations [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                  [--validation-id | -i  <validation-id>]
                                  [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                  [--accept-language <accept-language>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--validation-id, -i
Required. ID of the validation. To get the most recent validation for the skill and stage, use a value of ~mostRecent. The behavior of the API in this case would be the same as when the actual validation ID of the most recent validation is used in the request.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
Optional. User's locale/language in context.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get top-level information and status of a Smart Home capability evaluation.


$ ask smapi get-smart-home-capability-evaluation [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                                 [--evaluation-id <evaluation-id>]
                                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. A unique ID to identify each Smart Home capability evaluation.
--profile, -p
Provides the ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, the ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Enables the ASK CLI to show debug messages in the output of the command.


Get test case results for an evaluation run.


$ ask smapi get-smarthome-capablity-evaluation-results [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                                       [--max-results <max-results>]
                                                       [--next-token <next-token>]
                                                       [--evaluation-id <evaluation-id>]
                                                       [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
The maximum number of items to return in the response. If you don't include this parameter, the default maximum is 50 items. When you include this parameter, the response might contain fewer items than the value you specify, but never contains more. Don't specify a value higher than 50. If there are additional results that meet the search criteria, but these results aren't returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
When isTruncated = true, the response also includes the nextToken element. To list the next set of objects, use the value of nextToken in the next request as the continuation token. The continuation token is an opaque value that the Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Required. A unique ID to identify each Smart Home capability evaluation.
--profile, -p
Provides the ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Enables the ASK CLI to show debug messages in the output of the command.


Return the ssl certificate sets currently associated with this skill. Sets consist of one ssl certificate blob associated with a region as well as the default certificate for the skill.


$ ask smapi get-ssl-certificates [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get status for given exportId.


$ ask smapi get-status-of-export-request [--export-id <export-id>]
                                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The Export ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the task definition details for a specified task name and version.


$ ask smapi get-task [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                     [--task-name <task-name>]
                     [--task-version <task-version>]
                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. The task name.
Required. The task version. For example, "1".
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.



$ ask smapi get-utterance-data [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                               [--next-token <next-token>]
                               [--max-results <max-results>]
                               [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                               [--sort-field <sort-field>]
                               [--stage | -g <stage>]
                               [--locale | -l <locale>]
                               [--dialog-act-name <dialog-act-name>]
                               [--intent-confidence-bin <intent-confidence-bin>]
                               [--intent-name <intent-name>]
                               [--intent-slots-name <intent-slots-name>]
                               [--interaction-type <interaction-type>]
                               [--publication-status <publication-status>]
                               [--utterance-text <utterance-text>]
                               [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When set to 'asc' these items are returned in ascending order of sortField value and when set to 'desc' these items are returned in descending order of sortField value.
Optional. Sets the field on which the sorting would be applied.
--stage, -g
Optional. A filter used to retrieve items where the stage is equal to the given value. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma. [ENUM]: development,live.
--locale, -l
Optional. A filter used to retrieve items where the locale is equal to the given value. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma. [ENUM]: en-US,en-GB,en-IN,en-CA,en-AU,de-DE,ja-JP.
Optional. Dialog act directive name.* Dialog.ElicitSlot: Alexa asked the user for the value of a specific slot. For more details, see ElicitSlot directive. * Dialog.ConfirmSlot: Alexa confirmed the value of a specific slot before continuing with the dialog. For more details, see ConfirmSlot directive. * Dialog.ConfirmIntent: Alexa confirmed the all the information the user has provided for the intent before the skill took action. For more details, see ConfirmIntent directive. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma. [ENUM]: Dialog.ElicitSlot,Dialog.ConfirmSlot,Dialog.ConfirmIntent.
Optional. A filter used to retrieve items where the intent confidence bin is equal to the given value.* `HIGH`: Intent was recognized with high confidence. * `MEDIUM`: Intent was recognized with medium confidence. * `LOW`: Intent was recognized with low confidence. Low confidence intents are not sent to the skill. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma. [ENUM]: HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW.
Optional. A filter used to retrieve items where the intent name is equal to the given value. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
Optional. A filter used to retrieve items where the one of the slot names is equal to the given value. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
Optional. Indicates if the utterance was a "ONE_SHOT" interaction or part of a "MODAL" interaction.* `ONE_SHOT`: The user invokes the skill and states their intent in a single phrase. * `MODAL`: The user first invokes the skill and then states their intent. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma. [ENUM]: ONE_SHOT,MODAL.
Optional. The publication status of the skill when this interaction occurred [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma. [ENUM]: Development,Certification.
Optional. A filter used to retrieve items where the utterance text contains the given phrase. Each filter value can be at-least 1 character and at-most 100 characters long. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the list of Vendor information.


$ ask smapi get-vendor-list [--profile | -p <profile>]


--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a new import for a skill with given skillId.


$ ask smapi import-skill-package [--location <location>]
                                 [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                 [--if-match <if-match>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. Location of the package.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. Request header that specified an entity tag. The server updates the resource only if the eTag matches the resource's current eTag.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


This is a synchronous API that invokes the Lambda (or third party HTTPS) endpoint for a skill. The response contains information about the endpoint that was called, and the payloads sent to and received from the endpoint. You can only call invoke-skill for skills that you own and that are enabled.

If an error occurs at the skill endpoint, the response contains a failure status attribute and details about what was sent to the endpoint. If an error occurs in invoke-skill, the response contains an error code and a description of the problem.

Calls to the skill endpoint time out after 10 seconds. This API is designed to allow extension to an asynchronous API if a longer timeout is required.


$ ask smapi invoke-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                         [--endpoint-region <endpoint-region>]
                         [--skill-request-body <skill-request-body>]
                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. The region in which to call the endpoint. One of: NA, EU, FE.
Required. The JSON for the request body. You can specify the JSON as a string or in a file. If you specify a file, you can specify it with either an absolute or relative path. For example, "$(cat {filepath})" or "file:{filepath}".
When you include this option, the body, headers, and status code of the response are returned as one object.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


This is a synchronous API that invokes the Lambda (or third party HTTPS) endpoint for a skill. The response contains information about the endpoint that was called, and the payloads sent to and received from the endpoint. You can only call invoke-skill for skills that you own and that are enabled.

If an error occurs at the skill endpoint, the response contains a failure status attribute and details about what was sent to the endpoint. If an error occurs in invoke-skill, the response contains an error code and a description of the problem.

Calls to the skill endpoint time out after 10 seconds. This API is designed to allow extension to an asynchronous API if a longer timeout is required.


$ ask smapi invoke-skill-end-point [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                   [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                   [--endpoint-region <endpoint-region>]
                                   [--skill-request-body <skill-request-body>]
                                   [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. The stage of the skill. One of: development, live.
Required. The region in which to call the endpoint. One of: NA, EU, FE.
Required. The JSON for the request body. You can specify the JSON as a string or in a file. If you specify a file, you can specify it using either an absolute or relative path. For example, "$(cat {filepath})" or "file:{filepath}".
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Lists all the catalogs associated with a skill.


$ ask smapi list-catalogs-for-skill [--next-token <next-token>]
                                    [--max-results <max-results>]
                                    [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the list of catalogs for the vendor.


$ ask smapi list-catalogs-for-vendor [--next-token <next-token>]
                                     [--max-results <max-results>]
                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


List all the historical versions of the given catalog ID. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi list-interaction-model-catalog-versions <-c|--catalog-id <catalog-id>>
                                                    [--max-results <max-results>]
                                                    [--next-token <next-token>]
                                                    [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                                                    [--sort-field <sort-field>]
                                                    [-p | --profile <profile>]


Required. Provides the unique identifier of a catalog.

Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than the upper limit of 50 results, add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer than maxResults, but it will never contain more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.


Optional. When the response to this API call is truncated (that is, the isTruncated response element value is true), the response includes the nextToken element. In the next request, you can use the value of nextToken as the continuation token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API decodes. The token expires in 24 hours.


Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When this parameter is asc, the items are returned in ascending order of sortField value. When this parameter is desc, the items are returned in descending order of sortField value.

Optional. Sets the field on which the sorting is applied.
-p, --profile
Provides the ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, the ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns the body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Enables the ASK CLI to show debug messages in the output of the command.


List all catalogs. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi list-interaction-model-catalogs [--max-results <max-results>]
                                            [--next-token <next-token>]
                                            [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                                            [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When set to 'asc' these items are returned in ascending order of sortField value and when set to 'desc' these items are returned in descending order of sortField value.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Gets a list of versions of a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi list-interaction-model-versions [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                            [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                            [--locale | -l <locale>]
                                            [--next-token <next-token>]
                                            [--max-results <max-results>]
                                            [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                                            [--sort-field <sort-field>]
                                            [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--locale, -l
Required. The locale for the model requested. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When set to 'asc' these items are returned in ascending order of sortField value and when set to 'desc' these items are returned in descending order of sortField value.
Optional. Sets the field on which the sorting would be applied.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


List all slot types for the vendor.


$ ask smapi list-interaction-model-slot-types [--max-results <max-results>]
                                              [--next-token <next-token>]
                                              [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                                              [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When set to 'asc' these items are returned in ascending order of sortField value and when set to 'desc' these items are returned in descending order of sortField value.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


List all slot type versions for the slot type id.


$ ask smapi list-interaction-model-slot-type-versions [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                      [--max-results <max-results>]
                                                      [--next-token <next-token>]
                                                      [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                                                      [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When set to 'asc' these items are returned in ascending order of sortField value and when set to 'desc' these items are returned in descending order of sortField value.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Get the list of skills for the vendor.


$ ask smapi list-skills-for-vendor [--next-token <next-token>]
                                   [--max-results <max-results>]
                                   [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                   [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
--skill-id, -s
Optional. The list of skill IDs that you wish to get the summary for. A maximum of 10 skill IDs can be specified to get the skill summary in single listSkills call. This parameter must not be used with 'nextToken' or/and 'maxResults' parameter. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Returns the capability evaluation information for a given skill id.


$ ask smapi list-smarthome-capability-evaluations [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                                  [--stage <stage> | -g]
                                                  [--start-timestamp-from <start-timestamp-from>]
                                                  [--start-timestamp-to <start-timestamp-to>]
                                                  [--max-results <max-results>]
                                                  [--next-token <next-token>]
                                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
The stage indicates the stage of the skill. Accepted values are development and live. If this skill stage isn't enabled on the account used for evaluation, the CLI returns an error.
The beginning of the start time to query evaluation result.
The end of the start time to query evaluation result.
The maximum number of items to return in the response. If you don't include this parameter, the default maximum is 50 items. When you include this parameter, the response might contain fewer items than the value you specify, but never contains more. Don't specify a value higher than 50. If there are additional results that meet the search criteria, but these results aren't returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
When isTruncated = true, the response also includes the nextToken element. To list the next set of objects, use the value of nextToken in the next request as the continuation token. The continuation token is an opaque value that the Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
--profile, -p
Provides the ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, the ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Enables the ASK CLI to show debug messages in the output of the command.


List the smart home capability test plan names and ids for a given skill ID.


$ ask smapi list-smarthome-capability-test-plans [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                                 [--max-results <max-results>]
                                                 [--next-token <next-token>]
                                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
The maximum number of items to return in the response. If you don't include this parameter, the default maximum is 50 items. When you include this parameter, the response might contain fewer items than the value you specify, but never contains more. Don't specify a value higher than 50. If there are additional results that meet the search criteria, but these results aren't returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
When isTruncated = true, the response also includes the nextToken element. To list the next set of objects, use the value of nextToken in the next request as the continuation token. The continuation token is an opaque value that the Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
--profile, -p
Provides the ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Returns body, headers, and status code of the response as one object.
Enables the ASK CLI to show debug messages in the output of the command.


Retrieve a list of all skill versions associated with a skill id.


ask smapi list-versions-for-skill [-s,--skill-id <skill-id>]
                                  [--next-token <next-token>]
                                  [--max-results <max-results>]
                                  [-p, --profile <profile>]
                                  [-h, --help]


-s, --skill-id <skill-id>
Required. The skill ID.
--next-token <next-token>
Optional. Continuation token to control MaxResults pagination.
--max-results <max-results>
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. You can't exceed 50 results. If there are more than 50 results displayed, the response includes isTruncated = true.
Optional. When you include this option, ASK CLI displays debug messages in the output of the command.


Profile an utterance against the voice interaction model.


$ ask smapi profile-nlu [--utterance | -u <utterance>]
                        [--multi-turn-token <multi-turn-token>]
                        [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                        [--stage | -g <stage>]
                        [--locale | -l <locale>]
                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--utterance, -u
Required. Actual representation of user input to Alexa.
Required. Opaque string which contains multi-turn related context.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--locale, -l
Required. The locale for the model requested. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


The SMAPI Audit Logs API provides you with an audit history of all SMAPI calls made by a developer or developers with permissions on that account.


$ ask smapi query-development-audit-logs [--vendor-id <vendor-id>]
                                         [--request-filters-clients <request-filters-clients>]
                                         [--request-filters-operations <request-filters-operations>]
                                         [--request-filters-resources <request-filters-resources>]
                                         [--request-filters-requesters <request-filters-requesters>]
                                         [--request-filters-start-time <request-filters-start-time>]
                                         [--request-filters-end-time <request-filters-end-time>]
                                         [--request-filters-http-response-codes <request-filters-http-response-codes>]
                                         [--sort-direction <sort-direction>]
                                         [--sort-field <sort-field>]
                                         [--pagination-context-next-token <pagination-context-next-token>]
                                         [--pagination-context-max-results <pagination-context-max-results>]
                                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. Vendor Id. See Customer Details.
Optional. List of Client IDs for filtering.
Optional. Filters for a list of operation names and versions.
Optional. Filters for a list of resources and/or their types. See documentation for allowed types.
Optional. Request Filters for filtering audit logs.
Optional. Sets the start time for this search. Any audit logs with timestamps after this time (inclusive) are included in the response.
Optional. Sets the end time for this search. Any audit logs with timestamps before this time (exclusive) are included in the result.
Optional. Filters for HTTP response codes. For example, '200' or '503'.
Optional. Sets the sorting direction of the result items. When set to 'ASC' these items are returned in ascending order of sortField value and when set to 'DESC' these items are returned in descending order of sortField value. [ENUM]: ASC,DESC.
Optional. Sets the field on which the sorting would be applied. [ENUM]: timestamp,operation,,resource.type,requester.userId,,httpResponseCode.
Optional. When the response to this API call is truncated, the response includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that this API understands. Token has expiry of 1 hour.
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve more or less than the default of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults can exceed the upper limit of 250 but, more than 250 items are not returned. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults for purpose of keeping SLA or because there are not enough items, but it never contains more.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Remove testers from a beta test for the given Alexa skill. The system removes entitlement for them.


$ ask smapi remove-testers-from-beta-test [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                          [--testers-emails <testers-emails>]
                                          [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. List of email address of beta testers. [MULTIPLE]: Values can be separated by comma.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Reset the purchase of the product or paid skill for the current user. You can reset any entitlement type: one-time purchase, consumable, subscription. For more details, see Reset test purchases.


$ ask smapi reset-entitlement-for-product [--product-id <product-id>]
                                          [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                          [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. For ISP, include the in-skill product ID. For paid skills, include the skill ID
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Submit a target skill version to rollback to. Only one rollback or publish operation can occur at a time for a given skillId. Your skill must meet the rollback eligibility requirements.


ask smapi rollback-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                         [--target-version <target-version>]
                         [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. The identifier for a rollback request.
--profile, -p
Optional. The profile under which ASK CLI deploys the skill resources. If not provided, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Optional. When you include this option, ASK CLI displays debug messages in the output of the command.


Returns task information for a skill. You can search by keywords and provider skill ID. If you omit both keywords and provider skill id, all tasks for the skill are returned.


$ ask smapi search-task [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                        [--provider-skill-id <provider-skill-id>]
                        [--keywords <keywords>]
                        [--max-results <max-results>]
                        [--next-token <next-token>]
                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. The provider skill ID.
Optional. Keywords can include descriptions of tasks, task names, or tags from the task definition. Use commas to separate keywords. Each keyword can contain multiple words. For example, --keywords "computer software, vacuum cleaner".
Optional. Sets the maximum number of results returned in the response body. If you want to retrieve fewer than upper limit of 50 results, you can add this parameter to your request. maxResults should not exceed the upper limit. The response might contain fewer results than maxResults, but it never contains more. If there are additional results that satisfy the search criteria, but these results were not returned, the response contains isTruncated = true.
Optional. When response to this API call is truncated (that is, isTruncated response element value is true), the response also includes the nextToken element. The value of nextToken can be used in the next request as the continuation-token to list the next set of objects. The continuation token is an opaque value that Skill Management API understands. Token has expiry of 24 hours.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create a voice interaction model for a skill.


$ ask smapi set-interaction-model [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                  [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                  [--locale | -l <locale>]
                                  [--interaction-model <interaction-model>]
                                  [--if-match <if-match>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
--locale, -l
Required. The locale for the model requested. Examples: en-GB, en-US, de-DE.
Required. The JSON for the voice interaction model. [JSON].
Optional. Request header that specified an entity tag. The server updates the resource only if the eTag matches the resource's current eTag.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create or update the enablement for given skillId/stage and customerId (retrieved from Auth token).


$ ask smapi set-skill-enablement [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                 [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update the ssl certificates associated with this skill.


$ ask smapi set-ssl-certificates [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                 [--ssl-certificate-payload <ssl-certificate-payload>]
                                 [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. Defines the input/output of the ssl certificates api for a skill. [JSON].
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


This is an asynchronous API that simulates a skill, given a user utterance. A successful response contains a header with the location of the simulation resource. In cases where requests to this API results in an error, the response contains an error code and a description of the problem. The skill being simulated must belong to and be enabled by the user of this API. Concurrent requests per user is currently not supported.


$ ask smapi simulate-skill [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                           [--stage | -g <stage>]
                           [--input-content <input-content>]
                           [--device-locale <device-locale>]
                           [--session-mode <session-mode>]
                           [--simulation-type <simulation-type>]
                           [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
Required. A string corresponding to the utterance text of what a user would say to Alexa.
Required. A valid locale (e.g "en-US") for the virtual device used in simulation.
Optional. Indicate the session mode of the current simulation is using. [ENUM]: DEFAULT,FORCE_NEW_SESSION.
String that indicates the type of simulation request. [ENUM]: DEFAULT, NFI_ISOLATED_SIMULATION. Use DEFAULT to proceed with the default skill simulation behavior. Use NFI_ISOLATED_SIMULATION to test name-free interaction-enabled skills in isolation.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Start a beta test for a given Alexa skill.


$ ask smapi start-beta-test [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                            [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Submit the skill for certification.


$ ask smapi submit-skill-for-certification [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                           [--publication-method <publication-method>]
                                           [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Optional. Determines if the skill should be submitted only for certification and manually publish later or publish immediately after the skill is certified. Omitting the publication method defaults to auto publishing. [ENUM]: MANUAL_PUBLISHING,AUTO_PUBLISHING.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


This is an asynchronous API which allows a skill developer to run various validations against their skill.


$ ask smapi submit-skill-validation [--locales | -l <locales>]
                                    [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                    [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                    [--profile | -p <profile>]


--locale, -ls
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Create account linking information for the skill.


$ ask smapi update-account-linking-info [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                        [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                        [--account-linking-request <account-linking-request>]
                                        [--if-match <if-match>]
                                        [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* `development` - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * `certified` - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * `live` - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
Required. The fields required to create account linking partner. [JSON].
Optional. Request header that specified an entity tag. The server updates the resource only if the eTag matches the resource's current eTag.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi update-interaction-model-catalog [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                             [--slot-type-description <slot-type-description>]
                                             [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Optional. The slot type description with a 255 character maximum.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update the description and instructions for a specified version of a catalog. For more details, see Interaction Model Catalog Management REST API Reference.


$ ask smapi update-interaction-model-catalog-version [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                                                     [--vers <version>]
                                                     [--description <description>]
                                                     [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
Optional. The catalog description with a 255 character maximum.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update description and vendorGuidance string for certain version of a slot type.


$ ask smapi update-interaction-model-slot-type [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                               [--slot-type-description <slot-type-description>]
                                               [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Optional. The slot type description with a 255 character maximum.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update description and vendorGuidance string for certain version of a slot type.


$ ask smapi update-interaction-model-slot-type-version [--slot-type-id <slot-type-id>]
                                                       [--vers <version>]
                                                       [--slot-type-description <slot-type-description>]
                                                       [--profile | -p <profile>]


Required. The identifier for a slot type.
Required. The version of the voice interaction model.
Optional. The slot type description with a 255 character maximum.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update the in-skill product definition for given productId. Only development stage supported.


$ ask smapi update-isp-for-product [--if-match <if-match>]
                                   [--product-id <product-id>]
                                   [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                   [--in-skill-product <in-skill-product>]
                                   [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. Request header that specified an entity tag. The server updates the resource only if the eTag matches the resource's current eTag.
Required. The in-skill product ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stage for skill.
Required. Defines the request body for updateInSkillProduct API in a JSON file.
Use file:<path/json file name>. For details about the file format, see Update an existing in-skill product SMAPI API.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Update skill manifest for given skillId and stage. To get information about the manifest schema before you use this command, call the get-resource-schema.


$ ask smapi update-skill-manifest [--if-match <if-match>]
                                  [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                  [--stage | -g <stage>]
                                  [--manifest <manifest>]
                                  [--profile | -p <profile>]


Optional. Request header that specified an entity tag. The server updates the resource only if the eTag matches the resource's current eTag.
--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
--stage, -g
Required. Stages of a skill including the new certified stage.* development - skills which are currently in development corresponds to this stage. * certified - skills which have completed certification and ready for publishing corresponds to this stage. * live - skills which are currently live corresponds to this stage.
Required. Defines the request body for the updateSkill API. Specify the manifest as "file:YOUR_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME.json" [JSON].
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


ask smapi update-skill-manifest \
    --stage development \
    --skill-id YOUR_SKILL_ID \
    --manifest "$(cat skill-manifest.json)"


Upload a file for the catalog. The catalog must be in JSON format. The following recipe-skill example shows the catalog format.

        "id": "id1",
        "name": {
            "value": "coconut milk"
        "id": "id2",
        "name": {
            "value": "shallots"
        "id": "id3",
        "name": {
            "value": "bell peppers"


$ ask smapi upload-catalog [--catalog-id | -c <catalog-id>]
                           [--file | -f <file>]
                           [--profile | -p <profile>]


--catalog-id, -c
Required. Unique identifier of the catalog.
--file, -f
Required. Path to the target file input. For the format of the catalog file, see the top of Upload catalog.
--profile, -p
Optional. The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
Optional. When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.


Withdraw the skill from certification.


$ ask smapi withdraw-skill-from-certification [--skill-id | -s <skill-id>]
                                              [--reason <reason>]
                                              [--message <message>]
                                              [--profile | -p <profile>]


--skill-id, -s
Required. The skill ID.
Required. The message only in case the reason in OTHER.
--profile, -p
The ASK CLI profile to use. When you don't include this option, ASK CLI uses the default profile.
When you include this option, debug messages appear in the output of the command.

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Last updated: Aug 08, 2024