Test Dash Replenishment
Follow these guidelines to test Dash Replenishment in the Alexa app and with an Alexa-enabled device.
For an overview of Dash Replenishment, see About Dash Replenishment.
Before you test Dash Replenishment, complete the following prerequisites:
- Register your device in the Dash console and receive replenishment IDs from Amazon. Use the allow-listed test accounts for testing.
- Verify that your discovery response includes the inventory sensor interfaces in each region that you enable replenishment.
- Verify that your connected device reports inventory levels as the customer uses your device.
- Create an Amazon retail account for the test account credentials to use for smart reorder testing. After your test triggers a reorder, you have 24 hours to cancel the order. Cancel the order from the order history page on your Amazon retail account. If you miss the order cancellation, start a return.
Test account linking and discovery
Complete the following steps to enable your skill in the Alexa app installed on your iOS or Android mobile device.
To enable your skill and discover devices
- Sign in to the Alexa app with one of the test accounts.
- To find your skill in the Alexa app, tap More, and then tap Skills & Games.
- In Skills & Games, tap Your Skills.
- Scroll the skill types to the right, and then tap Dev.
- Scroll to find your skill.
- Tap on your skill name, and then tap ENABLE TO USE.
- Follow the prompts to enter your credentials for your device cloud account.
- To allow access to the skill, tap Allow, and then tap CLOSE.
Note: If you're unable to complete account linking, make sure that you use valid credentials for your device cloud account. Otherwise, there might be an issue with the account-linking information that you provided in the developer console. For help with account-linking issues, see Troubleshooting Account Linking.
- After the skill is enabled and linked, Alexa sends a
request to your skill to learn about the connected devices. Your skill returns the discovery response with details about the devices. - If Alexa can't discover your device, check the logs for your Lambda function. Use the logs to troubleshoot the issue. Common issues include incorrectly formatted discovery responses.
Enable smart reordering
For smart home skills with Dash Replenishment, during SET UP DEVICE, the Alexa app prompts you to set up smart reordering. Choose Automatic reorder when supply is low. Here, Alexa directs you to select the replacement products and confirm address and payment details.
At any time, you can view the current inventory and change the replenishment settings in the Alexa app. Select Devices, tap your device, and then tap the settings gear. Scroll down to the Status section, and then tap Supplies. On the SETTINGS page, you see a list of current levels and supplies. To enable smart reordering, tap When my supplies are running low, and then tap Smart reorder.
Verify inventory updates
Test end-to-end functionality to verify that your device reports the inventory correctly to Alexa. For each replacement product, complete the tests for the applicable sensor.
Level sensor
Verify the level sensor and the replenishment experience by performing the following tests:
- Consumption history – For each replenishment ID, as you use the device, verify that the consumption level in the Alexa app matches the level reported by the device.
- Trigger change reporting events to Alexa by using the device or simulating usage.
- To view the reported level in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > Consumption History.
- Verify that the consumption level reported in the Alexa app matches the level reported by your device, if applicable, in your device app.
- Low inventory reorder – For each replenishment ID, trigger inventory reorder.
- To enable smart reordering, in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > When my supplies are running low. Choose Smart reorder, and then tap Select.
- Use the device so that the consumable level drops below the low-level threshold.
- Verify that you receive an email to confirm the reorder.
Note: To make sure that a random fluctuation in level didn't cause the reported event, Amazon waits for multiple level updates, and then triggers the consumable reorder. During testing, send several consecutive readings. -
Low inventory notification – For each replenishment ID, verify the low supply notification when the level of the consumable product drops below the configured low-level threshold.
- To set up notifications, in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > When my supplies are running low. Choose Just notify me, and then tap Select.
- Use the product so that the consumed level drops below the low-level threshold.
- Verify that you receive an email and a voice notification on the connected Echo device.
Note: Amazon waits for multiple level updates, and then sends the email notification. During testing, send several consecutive readings. - Reset inventory – For each replenishment ID, verify the new consumption level in the Alexa app.
- Replace the consumable product in the device and let the device run.
- Trigger change reporting events to Alexa by using the device or simulating usage.
- To verify the new level in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > Consumption History.
Usage sensor
Usage sensors don't know the amount of inventory. Here, the customer sets the current inventory for each consumable product in the Alexa app as follows:
- To view the inventory, go to Device Settings > Supplies, and then tap # Units.
- To change the inventory, go to Device Settings > Supplies, and then tap Add extra supply.
- To set the amount, tap + to increase the amount and – to decrease the amount.
- To save, tap Next.
Verify the usage sensor and the replenishment experience by performing the following tests:
- Consumption history – For each replenishment ID, as you use the device, verify that the inventory usage in the Alexa app matches the usage reported by the device.
- Trigger inventory consumed events to Alexa by using the device or simulating usage.
- To view the reported usage in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > Consumption History.
- Verify that the usage reported in the Alexa app matches the usage reported by your device, if applicable, in your device app.
Note: During testing, send multiple inventory updates above and below the threshold. - Low inventory reorder – For each replenishment ID, trigger inventory reorder.
- Set the inventory to one more than the low-level threshold.
- Use the device so that the inventory drops below the low-level threshold.
- Verify that you receive an email to confirm the reorder.
Note: To receive certification, Amazon requires that you send a minimum of three inventory updates below the threshold. - Low inventory notification – For each replenishment ID, verify the low supply notification when the usage of the consumable product drops below the configured low-level threshold.
- To set up notifications, in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > When my supplies are running low. Choose Just notify me, and then tap Select.
- Set the inventory to one more than the low-level threshold.
- Use the product so that the consumed usage drops below the low-level threshold.
- After the reported inventory is zero, verify that you receive an email and a voice notification on the connected Alexa-enabled device.
Note: To receive certification, Amazon requires that you send a minimum of three inventory updates below the threshold.
Level usage sensor
Verify the level usage sensor and the replenishment experience by performing the following tests:
- Consumption history – For each replenishment ID, as you use the device, verify that the consumption duration in the Alexa app matches the duration reported by the device.
- Trigger consumptions events to Alexa by using the device or simulating usage.
- To view the consumed duration in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, and then tap Supplies > Consumption History.
- Verify that the duration changes during device usage.
- Verify that the consumed duration reported in the Alexa app matches the consumed duration reported by your device, if applicable, in your device app.
- Repeat with different durations, such as hours, minutes.
- Reset inventory – For each replenishment ID, verify the replacement date in the Alexa app.
- To change the replacement date in the Alexa app, go to the settings page for your device, tap Supplies > Last Replaced Date, and then set the date to older than 30 days.
- Replace the consumable product in the device and let the device run.
- Verify that the device sends the inventory replaced event.
- Verify that the replacement date is reset in the Alexa app.
Related topics
- Test and Debug your Smart Home Skill
- ACK Testing and Certification
- Certify Your Dash Replenishment Device
- Add Dash Device Management to Your App or Website
Last updated: Mar 11, 2025