
Release Notes

Release Notes (v2.5)

Release notes for the Amazon Maps SDK are provided here.

July 28, 2020 (doc updates only)

The initial plans to release the maps service to Fire OS 7 tablets on July 28 was pushed out to August 30.The plan to uplevel Fire OS 6 tablets to Fire OS 7 has also been pushed out to a later date.(The uplevel date is still TBD and is dependent on the success of the maps service rollout to existing Fire OS 7 tablets on August 30.)

July 2, 2020

See Deprecation Notice for Amazon Maps v1.0 and v2.0 for full details about the deprecation and timelines for transitioning to v2.5.

Features No Longer Supported

SDK v2.5 will no longer support the features listed in the following tables.

AmazonMap Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
interface AmazonMap.CancelableCallback This interface is invoked when animation from one place to another place on map is cancelled.Animation is no longer supported.
interface AmazonMap.OnMapLoadedCallback This callback is not invoked when rendering is complete.
final void animateCamera(CameraUpdate update, AmazonMap.CancelableCallback callback) Animation is no longer supported.
final void animateCamera(CameraUpdate update, int durationMs, AmazonMap.CancelableCallback callback) Animation is no longer supported.
final void animateCamera(CameraUpdate update) Animation is no longer supported.
final void stopAnimation() Animation is no longer supported.

AmazonMapOptions Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
AmazonMapOptions liteMode(boolean enabled) N/A
AmazonMapOptions useViewLifecycleInFragment(boolean useViewLifecycleInFragment) N/A
AmazonMapOptions zOrderOnTop(boolean zOrderOnTop) N/A

Polygon Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
void setGeodesic(boolean geodesic) N/A
void setHoles(List<? extends List<LatLng>> holes) N/A

PolygonOptions Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
PolygonOptions addHole(Iterable<LatLng> points) N/A
PolygonOptions geodesic(boolean geodesic) N/A

PolyLine Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
void setGeodesic(boolean geodesic) N/A

PolyLineOptions Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
PolylineOptions geodesic(boolean geodesic) N/A

Tile Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
Constructors Tile(int width, int height, byte[] data) N/A

TileOverlay Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
void clearTileCache() N/A
void setFadeIn(boolean fadeIn) N/A

TileOverlayOptions Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
TileOverlayOptions fadeIn(boolean fadeIn) N/A
boolean getFadeIn() N/A
TileOverlayOptions tileProvider(TileProvider tileProvider) This is partially supported in Maps SDK v2.5.Not all TileProviders implementations are supported; currently, only UrlTileProvider based implementations are supported.UrlTileProvider implements the TileProvider interface.You must implement a class that extends UrlTileProvider, and use that class as the tile provider when calling this API.

New Features

The following features are new in Maps v2.5.

Marker Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
void setFlat(boolean flat) N/A

MarkerOptions Class

Class / Interface / Feature Property / Method / Interface Remarks
MarkerOptions flat(boolean flat) N/A

Jan 3, 2019

  • Fixed Fire OS 5 compatibility issues in Amazon Maps SDK 2.0.