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Notification Messages (DRS)

Amazon will send notifications for device changes, order state, subscription status, and more using Amazon's Simple Notification Service (SNS). Amazon SNS allows applications to send time-critical messages to multiple subscribers through a "push" mechanism, eliminating the need to periodically check for updates. For example, the Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) uses SNS to notify you (the device maker) of device deregistrations and event failures; and uses notifications to provide delivery status.

In the following sections, sample notifications are provided for reference.


DRS uses versioning to incrementally update functionality without directly impacting customers.

Order Placed

An order placed notification is sent when DRS receives a Replenish API call and the order generated has not encountered any issues. Upon receipt of this message, the device maker is notified than an order received from the replenish API request will ship if the Amazon customer does not cancel the order within 24 hours.

The following is a sample order placed notification for reference:

Version 2.0

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "OrderPlacedNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2016-12-02T21:09:58.689Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AH54JCXQ7WZKCZOFxxxxxxxx"
    "orderInfo": {
        "instanceId": "amzn1.dash.v2.o.ci45xxxxxxxxxxx",
        "slotId": "myProduct",
        "productInfo": [{
            "quantity": 1.0,
            "unit": "count",
            "asin": "myAsinNumber",
            "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2016-12-09T07:59:59Z"


    "MessageAttributes": {
        "version": {
            "type": "String",
            "Value": 2.0

Version 1.0

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "OrderPlacedNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2015-10-01T20:19:39.959Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AHxxxxxxxxGA2O5Q"
    "orderInfo": {
        "instanceId": "amzn1.dash.v2.o.ci43xxxxxxxxxx0",
        "slotId": "myProduct",
        "productInfo":[ {
            "quantity": 12.0,
            "unit": "count"
        "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2015-10-07T06:59:59Z"

Version Notes

Please note the following changes for Order Placed v2.0:

  • asin information is now included inside productInfo
  • estimatedDeliveryDate is now inside productInfo
  • MessageAttributes are used to identify version notification message version

Order Cancelled

The order cancelled notification is sent in two scenarios:

  1. When a successfully placed order is manually cancelled by a customer.

  2. When the replenish API request encounters the Amazon Order Resolution Flow and an Amazon customer is unable to resolve the issue within the 72-hours.

The following is a sample order cancelled notification for reference:

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "OrderCancelledNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2015-10-01T20:20:29.461Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AHxxxxxxxxGA2O5Q"
    "orderInfo": {
        "instanceId": "amzn1.dash.v2.o.ci43xxxxxxxxxx0",
        "slotId": "myProduct"

Device Registered

A device registered notification is sent any time a customer successfully completes LWA. The notification is triggered before the customer selects any ASINs.

The following is a sample device registered notification for reference:

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "DeviceRegisteredNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2015-10-01T02:23:52.747Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AHxxxxxxxxGA2O5Q"

Device Deregistered

A device deregistered notification is sent for many reasons, including:

  1. The device maker calls the Deregistration API.

  2. The Amazon customer goes to and deregisters the device from any management page.

  3. The Amazon customer contacts Amazon customer service, and the customer service agent deregisters the device on the customer’s behalf.

  4. The Amazon customer goes to the Manage Login with Amazon website and removes the relationship with the device maker. This will deregister all customer devices associated with that device maker.

The following is a sample deregistration notification for reference:

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "DeviceDeregisteredNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2015-09-29T18:03:28.669Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AHxxxxxxxxGA2O5Q"

Subscription Changed

A subscription changed notification is sent in five scenarios:

  • Whenever a customer completes a new LWA device registration

  • Whenever a customer chooses an ASIN where they did not have a selection before

  • Whenever a customer clears an ASIN selection that was previously filled

  • Whenever a customer toggles the subscription on or off

  • Whenever Amazon replaces a selected ASIN that is no longer available

The following is a sample subscription changed notification for reference:

Version 2.0

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "SubscriptionChangedNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2016-12-06T19:33:27.368Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "MySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "subscriptionInfo": {
        "slotsSubscriptionStatus": {
            "SlotId1": {
                "productInfoList": [{
                    "unit": "count",
                    "asin": "myAsinNumber"
            "SlotId2": {
                  "unit": "count",
                  "asin": "myAsinNumber"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AGY3J5MxxxxxxO4WRHHQA"


    "MessageAttributes": {
        "version": {
            "type": "String",
            "Value": 2.0

Version 1.0

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "SubscriptionChangedNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2015-09-30T23:27:50.771Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "myDeviceModel": "myDeviceModel"
    "subscriptionInfo": {
        "slotsSubscriptionStatus": {
            "myFirstSlot": true,
            "mySecondSlot": true
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AHxxxxxxxxGA2O5Q"

Version Notes

Please note the following changes for Subscription Changed v2.0:

  • The structure for slotsSubscriptionStatus has been modified. Each slot ID now maps to a structure containing a subscribed Boolean and productInfoList structure (quantity, unit, and asin).

  • Fields quantity, unit, and asin can be populated for a slot even when subscribed is set to false. This combination indicates that the customer was previously subscribed with these values.

Item Shipped Notification

An item shipped notification is sent when the replenish API request is successfully received, the order is placed and not cancelled by the customer, and Amazon fulfillment has shipped the item to the customer.

The following is a sample item shipped notification for reference:

Version 2.0

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "ItemShippedNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2016-12-02T01:41:59.936Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AGY3J5MKHWP6I2RHDYPJO4WRHHQA",
        "orderInfo": {
            "instanceId": "amzn1.dash.v2.o.ci43xxxxxxxxxx0",
            "slotId": "myProduct",
            "productInfo": [{
                "unit": "count",
                "asin": "myAsinNumber",
                "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2016-11-16T07:59:59Z"


    "MessageAttributes": {
        "version": {
            "type": "String",
            "Value": 2.0

Version 1.0

    "notificationInfo": {
        "notificationType": "ItemShippedNotification",
        "lwaClientId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.6b68exxxxxxxxxx9",
        "notificationTime": "2015-10-01T20:43:28.626Z",
        "notificationId": "amzn1.dash.notification.v1.xxxxxxxxxxxxx13",
        "version": "2015-06-05"
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceIdentifier": {
            "serialNumber": "mySerialNumber"
        "productIdentifier": {
            "modelId": "myDeviceModel"
    "customerInfo": {
        "directedCustomerId": "amzn1.account.AHxxxxxxxxGA2O5Q"
    "orderInfo": {
        "instanceId": "amzn1.dash.v2.o.ci43xxxxxxxxxx0",
        "slotId": "myProduct",
        "productInfo": [{
            "quantity": 12.0,
            "unit": "Count"
        "estimatedDeliveryDate": "2015-10-07T06:59:59Z"

Version Notes

Note the following changes for Item Shipped v2.0:

  • asin information is now included inside productInfo
  • estimatedDeliveryDate is now inside productInfo
  • MessageAttributes are used to identify version notification message version

Migrating to v2.0 Notifications

New vendors and associated devices are automatically subscribed to v2.0 notifications during registration. However, new devices registered by existing vendors will receive the highest consumed version of notifications consistent with previously onboarded devices. For example: If you are a vendor with devices subscribed to v1.0 notifications, when you register a new device, it will receive v1.0 notifications.

Follow these instructions to start your migration to v2.0 notifications for OrderPlacedNotification, ItemShippedNotification, and SubscriptionChangedNotification.

  1. Use the test model TestNotifV2ForVendors and subscribe to the topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:300797413096:TestNotifV2ForVendors.
  2. Create a new test device for this model. Trigger the v2.0 notifications by placing an order or changing the subscription status of the device. Ensure that you parse the response to the specification provided above.
  3. Confirm that you are correctly processing the v2.0 notifications, then create a new post in the DRS Forum with the following information:
    • Subject line: Upgrade SNS Notifications to v2.0
    • Which notifications messages are you upgrading to v2.0?
    • Which device models will use the new notifications?
  4. Amazon will notify you when your notifications have been upgraded to v2.0.

Last updated: Aug 07, 2018