Developer Console

Appstore Quality Central FAQ

The following are frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Appstore Quality Central.

Appstore Quality Central features

Q: What is Appstore Quality Central?
Appstore Quality Central is a testing utility offered by Amazon Appstore, where you can test your app throughout the app development phase. It has a comprehensive suite of testing tools and services designed to help you publish high-quality apps.
Q: How can I access Appstore Quality Central?
The Appstore team must grant you access before you can use Appstore Quality Central. When you have access, launch Appstore Quality Central and sign in if needed.
Q: What are the different features available in Appstore Quality Central?
The key offerings of Appstore Quality Central include:
  • Live device interaction: Allows you to test your apps on a range of devices supported by Amazon Appstore by providing remote access to the Appstore device farm.
  • Automated testing: Allows you to asynchronously perform comprehensive functional and performance testing on a range of devices.
Q: Is there support for regression automation in Appstore Quality Central? How do I access regression results?
Yes, Appstore Quality Central supports regression, performance, and asynchronous testing. You can use automation scripts to perform tests across multiple devices simultaneously, providing you with consistent test runs and saving you time. You can access automation results through the Developer Console where you can view detailed reports, performance metrics, logs, screenshots, and videos to help you to analyze and address issues.
Q: What types of devices are available in Appstore Quality Central? How do I choose devices for targeting apps?
Appstore Quality Central provides remote access to new and existing Amazon devices such as Fire TVs and tablets with OS versions ranging from Fire OS 5 to Fire OS 8. The Appstore also provides Android devices with OS versions ranging from Android 5 to Android 14, and continues to add devices with the latest Android OS.
Q: Does Appstore Quality Central support different geographical locations?
Yes, Appstore Quality Central supports testing from different geographical locations. Developers based in different regions can access the Appstore Quality Central device farm without latency.
Q: What security measures are in place to protect my app data?
The Appstore prioritizes the security of your app data. To safeguard intellectual property and sensitive information during the testing process, Appstore Quality Central uses robust security measures, including strict access controls. The device farm is sanitized and reset every time a testing session ends, ensuring no cross tester data is exposed to any other party while beginning a new testing session.
Q: How much does it cost to use Appstore Quality Central?
Appstore Quality Central is currently free of charge.

Live device interaction

The following are frequently asked questions (FAQ) about live device interaction.

Q: How can I run ADB commands?
In the device remote session, select the Dashboard tab and go to the Shell section to pass commands. For example, to reset screen size, enter the command: wm size reset.
Q: Which Wi-Fi networks are currently available?
During the beta release, Wi-Fi networks are available only in the US region.
Q: What happens if I encounter a session expired or time-out screen?
If your session expires, times out, or your connection is lost, try refreshing your browser to resolve the issue.
Q: Do I need to register the remote device to my account?
Yes, for the best experience, register the device after you reserve it. If you don't register the device, some features might work suboptimally.
Q: A device I want to test is not available in the device farm, can it be added?
You can suggest the addition of a device, however, the Appstore regularly updates device inventory and automation scripts to include new devices and features.
Q: Are there any testing limitations to using Appstore Quality Central in place of physical devices?
Yes, the following features aren't fully supported:
  • DRM-enabled content
  • Audio functionality
  • Landscape and portrait modes on Fire tablet devices
  • Bluetooth
  • Camera
  • Gyroscope
Q: Why aren't my devices visible?
If the devices don't show up on your home page, try refreshing the page. If the issues still isn't resolved, contact for support.
Q: How do I close my session?
To close an ongoing remote session, select the Stop Using button (the x on top of the device view) or close the window to exit.
Q: What if I need additional support?
If your devices are disconnected, you are unable to progress, or you have any other issues, contact for help.

Last updated: Jul 19, 2024