Manage Testers
Here you can learn how to manage testers. You can manage testers at the account level or at the Live App Test (LAT) level. At the account level, you can manage all testers and tester groups that exist in your account. At the LAT level, you can manage the testers associated within a specific LAT, as well as perform actions for individual testers within that LAT.
Account level actions
To view all tester groups on your account, select Apps & Services > Tester Management from the Developer Console menu. On this screen, you can manage your tester groups at the account level. To view all testers in your account, select View all testers. Actions you can take at the account level include:
- Add testers
- Add groups
- Edit groups (add testers, delete testers, rename group)
- Delete groups (removes the group from it's associated LATs and deletes testers who are not associated with any other group)
- Delete testers from group (if the tester is not associated with any other group, this will delete them from your account)
- Delete testers (when performed from the All testers screen, this will remove them from your account; they will no longer appear in any groups or LATs)
You can add up to a maximum of 300 tester groups and up to 1500 total testers.
LAT level actions
When you create a live app test, you can manage the testers for that specific LAT. To manage testers at the LAT level, go to your app's Live App Testing dashboard. Actions you can take at the LAT level include:
- Add testers
- Delete testers (removes tester from LAT only, they remain in your account)
- Reset in-app items for all testers in the LAT
- Reset in-app items only for specific testers
- Resend invitation to specific testers
Add testers to the LAT
- From the Live App Testing dashboard, select Manage testers under the active test. You can also directly select Manage Testers in the sidebar.
- Select Add new testers and complete the workflow. For detailed instructions, see Add testers.
Reset in-app items for all testers in the LAT
- Go to the Live App Testing dashboard for your app to access the active test.
- Select Reset in-app items, then select which type of in-app item you would like to reset (entitlements or subscriptions).
This action resets in-app items for all testers in the LAT. To reset in-app items for individual testers, see Manage individual testers.
Manage individual testers
You can perform an action for an individual or specific group of testers. Actions include resending the invite, resetting in-app items, or removing the tester from the LAT.
- Select Manage Testers from your app's sidebar or the Live App Testing dashboard.
- Select the checkboxes next to the testers you want to manage.
Select Choose an action and choose the action you want to perform for the selected testers, as seen in the following image.
Choose an action Resend invitation. If a tester misplaced or deleted their invite email, you can resend the invitation to them with the Resend Invite option. If you want to resend an invitation to testers that have opted out of Live App Testing emails, they first need to opt back in. Send them the opt-in link found on the Tester Management screen. For details, see Tester opt-in for LAT emails.
Reset in-app items. The ability to reset in-app purchases can be useful when starting a new test cycle. If you want to reset in-app purchases for only certain testers, select Reset Tester Entitlements or Reset Tester Subscriptions based on the type of item you want to reset for those testers.
Delete. To remove a specific tester from the live app test, choose Delete. The tester is removed from the tester group only for the live app tests associated with this app. The tester will still be associated with the group in Tester Management.
Tester invitation status
Tester invitation status is displayed on the manage testers screen, as shown in the following image.

The current status of a tester's LAT invitation is indicated by one of the following:
- Delivered - the LAT invitation has been successfully delivered to the tester.
- Failed - the LAT invitation failed to be delivered to the tester.
- Pending - the LAT invitation has not yet been delivered to the tester.
- Expired - the LAT invitation has expired.
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Last updated: Mar 12, 2024